This disclaimer applies to the information, services, products, software and links found on this web site. We do not make any representations with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied or express warrants of availability or fitness for any particular usage, application, or purpose. The materials found on this website are designed for educational and entertainment purposes only. We do not provide or make any representation with respect to its contents or specifically claim any implied or express availability, fitness, usage, or veterinary services through this site. Any information found on this website is our opinions and dog owners should exercise their own common sense on their own individual dogs. This website was designed by OZ Design Studio, LLC. All materials including design, photographs, materials, articles, and software are copyrighted by OZ Design Studio, LLC and Bricriu Kennels and may not be copied, reprinted, or electronically reproduced unless prior written consent is given. Any commercial use or multiple distribution by anyone, either electronically or by traditional methods is prohibited without permission. To the best of our knowledge, the information on this site we own, have gotten permission to use, or is free. If we have unknowingly included copy written content, please contact us and we will remove it. This website provides links to other Internet sites and resources. We can not be, and are not, responsible for such external sites and resources and do not endorse and are not liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials available from such sites and resources. Nor are we liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss, or alleged damage or loss, in connection with, or reliance on, any such Internet site or resource. Individuals viewing should exercise common sense and consult with their own personal veterinarian for advice. When it comes to concerns for your pet, ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PERSONAL VETERINARIAN.